Simply put, we provide effective and easy to use tools for your organisation to function more effectively.


causing or involving synergy

(the combined power of working together that is greater than the power achieved by working separately)

Imagine a world where people didn’t dread their performance management appraisal, where managers didn’t spend hours and hours of their time preparing for something that they actually feel is pointless.

Imagine if you had a system that actually developed performance and enabled progress… stop imagining and let us introduce you to REFLECT.

The (better) alternative to traditional performance management.

Ensure that your performance development process is valued, cost effective, owned and led by each individual employee and, importantly, is a process that actually delivers a better ROI for the company.

REFLECT is the perfect alternative to traditional performance management processes. Traditional performance management processes are frequently universally disliked, often demotivating, generally seen as having little or no impact on performance, and are expensive and time consuming.

95% of HR managers would like to change their current systems, so here is the alternative – REFLECT by Synergistic Products.

Empower your team to achieve amazing results

Drive performance and progress through actions and not targets – it is the actions that are taken that develop performance. These actions need to directly relate to the job being undertaken. Cultivating ownership of personal performance development is crucial; knowing exactly where you can make performance enhancements is key.

Taking incremental steps and actions to improve will mean that progress takes care of itself.

Turn Performance Management into actual Performance Development

An organisation is successful because of its performance. Its performance happens because of the skills, knowledge, abilities, application and resources its team has.

Increase the Skill, Knowledge, Abilities, Applications and Resources of the team and the organisation’s overall performance will increase.

It really is that simple!

Watch this quick introduction to REFLECT

Reflect at Work

REFLECT is a mobile solution that enables your team to ‘reflect’ on their personal development by allowing them, in real time, to record their own progress, giving them more control over their own personal growth.

Because we understand that every organisation is different, we custom-fit REFLECT to match the people within your organisation.

Your team then ‘reflect’ on the actual elements that are important for their role and develop action points to enhance their own performance where necessary.

By having a comprehensive and authentic understanding of performance at an organisational, department and individual level, leadership can then easily identify how they can support their teams to grow and provide the opportunities for them to do so.

Organisations will be able to identify patterns and trends and can pinpoint specific strength areas and key individuals – critical data which can then be utilised to drive progress within the whole organisation.

We love ‘Big Data’ and we cannot lie…

A mass of data is typically collected (either deliberately or incidentally) throughout a working week. This can be both costly and time consuming. Unfortunately, much of this data is never used to inform practice and drive progress. Sometimes, sadly, the information is collected and then used as a ‘weapon’ to beat individuals and teams with. This can lead to either the data being ‘inflated or exaggerated’ in order to avoid being beaten with it, or any areas of concern being hidden completely for the same reason.

If you don’t use the data and information that you collect then why waste time (money) collecting it in the first place? That makes no sense.

If the data and information that you are collecting or being presenting with is not genuine or authentic then how can it be of any use? It is totally fictional! That again makes no sense.

We believe that authentic, genuine data is a powerful tool to drive improvement; however, it must be used in the right way, with the right intentions and not abused. All our products promote the appropriate use of data; they focus on ease of collection and then deep-dive analysis to support your authentic growth and performance.




Where relevant and appropriate our products will have a ‘built-in’ leadership dashboard that enables you to really dig down into your data to give you a wide range of authentic insights to guide decision-making and appropriate actions and next steps.

It is better that growth and development is led and owned by the individual rather than being pushed by and dictated by leadership

Simon Dunford, CEO